
LMS Gamification

How Does Gamification Work in an LMS?

Who loves learning through a boring non-interactive session online or on-demand? Well, not many of us are fond of this mode of learning. As technology is evolving and learning management systems are empowering continuing learning, gamification techniques are taking the forefront to enhance learning engagement and learner retention. LMS Gamification enables stakeholders to learn with...
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Online Remote Proctoring Vs. AI-Proctoring: All That You Should Know

Gradually things have moved from physical to digital, and learning and development followed the suit. Online learning and assessment technology has transformed the L&D needs of organizations to eliminate the operational bottlenecks and enable seamless functionalities during these Covid-19 affected unprecedented times. But, administering exams and maintaining integrity and fairness during the online assessment process...
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How Important is it to Have a SCORM Compliant LMS?

With the tremendously growing online learning trends, organizations are concerned about managing their existing content repositories efficiently. Because when they move to a new learning management system (LMS) its content authoring tools might not support the old content formats. To eliminate such roadblocks, learning management systems ensure that the content authoring tools must support content-sharing standards...
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7 Reasons Why Organizations Should Use an LMS

Learning & Development scores among the top slots while discussing the major contributors of growth for any organization. Whether it is an association, manufacturing company, hospitality chain, training and certification company, corporate firm, or nonprofit organization – all of them need to educate and train their stakeholders. Educating the workforce to accelerate their career growth,...
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AI Proctoring software

Combine AI Proctoring and Remote Proctoring to Ensure 100% Cheat-proof Exams

When it comes to assessing the performance of workforces and candidates online, maintaining exam probity is a challenge. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has affected learning and development along with the timely performance assessment for organizations across the globe. Popular remote and AI proctoring software are being used to conduct online assessments for these organizations. And,...
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associantion lms

Empower your Association’s LMS with Salesforce in 2021?

Changing times have encouraged associations to evolve their strategy and implement programs for skilling up their workforce. Unless an association has employees who thoroughly understand its requirements, goals, and deliverables for members, how could they cater to those needs? As traditional training and skill development solutions have not done much for the workforce within an...
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Salesforce LMS

Must Read: How Salesforce LMS Can Improve Customer Training?

Organizations always need strong sales and customer support teams that efficiently cater to their customers. Digital learning solutions come as a welcome addition to enhance the training and learning experience of staff and customers of organizations through learning management systems (LMSs). Salesforce LMS integration tailors the LMS for your sales representative and customer support reps...
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Microsoft Teams integration

Pairing LMS with Microsoft Teams: Enhancing Learning Beyond Boundaries

These days numerous event and meeting apps are integrating with Learning Management Systems (LMS) to provide an enriched learning experience to the learners. Ever thought of integrating your LMS with one of the leading web or video conferencing apps for delivering online courses? We are talking about seamless Microsoft Teams LMS integration to collaboratively work wonders for...
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Salesforce LMS integration

Learning Management System – Why Salesforce LMS Integration is the Future?

Online and offline learning for workforces across industries and organizations has tremendously transformed since the onset of this COVID-19 pandemic. As pre-hiring of employee and member or customer onboarding, induction, and training occurred online the significance of learning management solutions (LMS) is on the rise. These LMSs are essential to help organizations train their employees...
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