LMS Gamification

How Gamification in LMS Increases Learner Engagement?

You celebrate your big wins, but what about celebrating little milestones learners have crossed? Gaining knowledge, learning new skills, and earning proficiency in a specific area, that’s what a learner’s journey is all about. Do you know what gamification brings to the learner’s journey? It brings a sense of accomplishment, a victory while earning points,...
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Healthcare Training

What are the Advantages of Online Learning in Healthcare Training Using an LMS?

The COVID-19 global pandemic crashed healthcare systems across the globe, causing unmanageable caseloads. Patients with critical need of treatments or medical counseling were not able to reach healthcare professionals, due to a lack of proper infrastructure and adequate healthcare staff training. Healthcare organizations started considering the advantages of online learning for staff and patient care training...
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Customer Relationship With An LMS?

How To Empower Your Customer Relationship With An LMS?

Building lasting relationships with customers is a challenging job. Unless your customer support team is well trained to manage and retain customers, expecting tremendous business growth is a far-fetched dream. A tiny mistake can cost dearly if not fixed at the right time. Organizations nowadays look for the latest technologies that can solve their issues....
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remote learning

How to Continue your Training Process using Remote Learning during the Pandemic?

Learning is an ongoing process. Without continuing learning, organizations would face a shortage of rightly skilled employees. Pandemics like COVID-19 might adversely affect if all the learning and training programs are conducted offline. Online learning can effectively be delivered to a global learner base using a top learning management system (LMS). Remote learning programs contribute...
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LMS Integration

Virtual Conference and LMS Integration: How to Extend Conference Content [During and Post-Integration]

Each platform has its own longevity, whether it is a virtual conference, learning management system, association management system, or any other. Most associations are looking for ways to maximize the time spent by members on their portal so that they can engage and cater to their needs better. By using a smart virtual conference platform,...
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