Continuing Education

Sales Training LMS

Sales Training LMS Features that You Can’t Do Away with: Why Choose LMS for Sales?

Gone are the days of sales executives updating the lead status to their managers on call, text, WhatsApp, or any other mode of communication as it was asynchronous and needed rework. The sales rep or executive needed to manually enter the updates in the conventional system they had in the organization. But with a Sales...
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LMS Gamification

All About Gamification Components and the Advantages for LMS

Learning management systems are trending like hot cake as the world is moving into remote and easily accessible online and offline learning setups. The problem here is monotonous content libraries that employees, partners, members, and customers (learners) find boring to continue after a couple of sessions, as they don’t ignite the curiosity or interactivity to...
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Remote Training Mistakes

3 Remote Training Mistakes – You Must Avoid

2021 is racing towards a virtualized world where from offices to schools, colleges, training and development, everything is accessed from home. All credit goes to the COVID-19 pandemic that still is wreaking havoc on most parts of the world. Online learning management systems have been adopted by organizations including corporates, nonprofits, associations, so that their...
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LMS Gamification

How Does Gamification Work in an LMS?

Who loves learning through a boring non-interactive session online or on-demand? Well, not many of us are fond of this mode of learning. As technology is evolving and learning management systems are empowering continuing learning, gamification techniques are taking the forefront to enhance learning engagement and learner retention. LMS Gamification enables stakeholders to learn with...
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Salesforce LMS

How to Create a Customer-focused Salesforce LMS Strategy

Salesforce plays a crucial role for organizations with an integrated learning management system (LMS). While an LMS delivers Salesforce-integrated customer training, association’s staff, and member training, it enhances the learner data reporting capabilities as well as advanced analytics. LMS and Salesforce integration allows organizations to synchronize information for better control over sales pipelines, employee training...
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