Whether it’s a corporate online assessment test or a university exam for that matter – candidates are a bit apprehensive about online proctored exams. There are numerous reasons behind the candidates’ unwillingness to appear for the AI-proctored exams but is there something that can reduce the anxiety and calm them down? Most of their concerns involve “does AI-proctoring in exams threaten their privacy and invade their personal space?”. Well, today we are going to cover all of this, plus more. Stay tuned!
Candidates’ Most Common Privacy Concerns:
Here are the most prominent questions that crop up in candidates’ minds while appearing for an AI-proctored exam. Let’s dive deeper!
- Can the AI-proctored online exam tool access or steal my computer’s data?
Well, the answer is a big No! Online proctoring software temporarily gets access to your system to monitor whether you are honestly appearing for the exam or trying to use any wrongful methods. These may include copying, pasting, or mirroring the proctored exams’ questions or answers. To prevent this the proctoring tool locks your browsers, exam screen, and access to external devices like USB flash drives, hard drives, or printers. Once the exam is over your system is disconnected from the proctoring tool and there is no risk to your system or the underlying data.
- Is there someone constantly keeping an eye on me?
Basically, the AI-proctoring tool takes care of online invigilation as most of us know AI is a powerful technology to catch even the slightest deviation in regular candidate behavior. While the AI flags candidates’ activities such as no face, more than one face, additional voice, attempts to open another browser, looking at a mobile phone or away from the exam screen, etc. the certified human proctor interacts with the candidates and prevents them from following any malicious practices during the exam. The human proctor is a lot less intimidating than an invigilator in any test center who hovers over your head through the entire session. The human proctor is non-intrusive and intervenes only when he/she wants to convey anything related to the exam. Once the exam is over the connection with the proctor is severed.
- Does the proctoring exam tool invade my privacy and access my personal data?
No. The human proctor and AI-proctoring tool verify, authenticate, and authorize candidates after seeing their ID cards for allowing access to the exam. The exam guidelines clearly mention that candidates need to choose any space across their home or workplace ensuring that the minimum exam parameters are maintained. You control what the proctoring tool can see through online webcam proctoring and what it can’t. You can also remove any personal items and belongings like photographs of family or other identifiable items to maintain a minimalistic background in the exam room. Keep the room well lit and free of any background noise, any books or notebooks close to you, or mobile phones for that matter. The human proctor and AI-proctoring tool will keep an eye on your exam screen and the surrounding through the webcam. Anything beyond the camera is not recorded.
- Does the AI-proctored service provider share my data with a third party without my consent?
Your personal data, such as name, address, age, and contact number, etc., are not shared with third parties. Apart from that, the data collected by the proctoring system through AI-proctored audio-visual recording is used for reviewing the recording to ensure exam probity and is stored only for audit purposes. Without your consent, no data is shared with a third party.
- Will I be barred from the exam due to a specific health condition or my skin color (I’ve got a darker skin tone and most face recognition tools fail to capture my face)?
Well, today’s sophisticated online proctoring tools leverage the power of AI technology. Advanced AI proctoring is capable of understanding the needs of specially-abled candidates (like ADHD, speech, hearing, or vision impairment, etc.) and doesn’t flag them for their difficulty in appearing in exams like a normal candidate. Moreover, the AI tool can recognize people who are not white as well as people with darker skin tones. This prevents the candidates from being flagged as “no face” by the AI-proctoring tool.
Summing it all, if you are concerned about your workforce getting panicked about AI-proctoring and really want to assure them of safer options to take online proctored exams. Check out the MapleLMS Online Examination Tool. This online proctoring tool has live online proctoring, review and recording proctoring, and automated proctoring to ensure optimum data security and exam experience for candidates. The best part is, it can accommodate 100K plus candidates simultaneously. The proctoring tool is capable of delivering Q&A formats of a wide variety and faster evaluations as well. So, what are you waiting for? Go check out the MapleLMS Online Examination Tool features right away!