A Comprehensive Guide for Partner Training Using the Best LMS

A Guide for Partner Training Using LMS: Features, Benefits, and How to Select the Best LMS!

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Partner Training Using LMS - Maplelms

Partner training is a crucial part of workplace training and it acts as a perfect way of showcasing fresh new business prospects which can be done using partner training software. When your partners are fully equipped with the knowledge they can present your company even more effectively. 

This guide is going to be a big resource for you in discovering the relevant LMS features, the benefits of partner training through an LMS, and even how to choose a suitable LMS for partner training. But let’s first get to know what partner training is!

Defining Partner Training

Partner training means training your business partners so that they can share or sell your products and services of your brand more efficiently. These partners could be your resellers, affiliates, or even distributors. This way you don’t need to hire more employees to increase your sales and expand your business at a faster pace.

The partner training usually includes the following topics:

  1. Educating your partners about your brand, work, history, and even your purpose.
  2. Making them understand about your products and services.
  3. Informing them about your policies or guidelines regarding your products and services.
  4. Sharing the support they would require for dealing with the customers to keep them satisfied and earn more money.

This training is actually a bigger picture of enterprise training that involves everyone from training your employees and customers to your partners. Therefore, strategizing partner training for your organization is a necessity as it aids partners in selling your products and services the right way.

5 Top Features in LMS for Partner Training

Knowing well about the LMS features before using one for partner training will help your organization greatly. The LMS platform like MapleLMS will give your company a practical way to train your partners in a very interactive and engaging way just like for your employee training. MapleLMS has a history of making all kinds of training a success including partner training for various organizations and helping them enhance their revenue and brand visibility. Now let’s discuss the LMS features that support partner training:

1. Real-time Tracking of Progress

The LMS usually has robust analytics and tracking tools that make you track in real-time with the help of learners’ current learning progress. These tools help in monitoring the number of lessons your partners have completed, learning their quiz outcomes, and bringing attention to the areas where they are lacking.

2. Easy Flexibility

With the help of an LMS, the schedule of the training sessions can be set flexibly unlike the previous traditional training. The LMS is supportive in making learning at ease as per your partner’s time preferences and they can resume their training anywhere and anytime at any place when their schedule is quite busy.

3. Personalized Learning Paths

The personalized learning paths can be created within the LMS to meet the specific needs of your partners depending on their positions, experiences, and learning pace. This enables the training of your partners to be as personalized as possible for everyone going through it for more efficiency and relevancy.

4. Economical and User-Centric

When using an LMS for partner training, your organization will save huge amounts of costs to be taken for physical training sessions like accommodation, transportation, and the arrangements for training them. An LMS is not only user-friendly but at the same time, it saves you a lot of money from extraordinary expenditures.

5. Staying Up-to-date with Compliance

When you are training your partners through an LMS, you don’t have to worry about staying in touch with the current changes going on in your industry. This is because LMSs are designed to adhere to the rules and regulations that have been followed in that particular sector. It decreases the chances of any compliance violations and keeps your business partners safe.

Benefits of Partner Training Using an LMS

The LMSs are considered to be best when they offer the following benefits to your organization and business partners:

Increased Engagement of Partners

The top channel partner training LMS systems act as a major channel among the vendors and partners. They are designed to send notifications, reminders, and even feedback on their current training progress. It fosters more communication between these two groups.

Elevated Knowledge About your Product 

An LMS system is a valuable channel partner software as it provides enhanced product knowledge to them. It is capable of giving access to training content and other resources relevant to your partners’ requirements. This process speeds up the onboarding while keeping them well-informed about the latest changes in product development so that they can serve customers in much better ways.

Enhanced Income Stream

The partners gain so much knowledge and skills through LMS software channel partner training that they feel motivated to keep growing their business. Effective product training is helpful in supporting partners to improve their customer service and increase their income drastically through mutual partnerships.

Tracking & Reporting their Performance

The LMS channel partner software aids instructors in keeping in check the progress of the partners and also generates their performance reports regularly. This information is later used to improve the training programs in the future. These tools are also supportive in discovering the customer’s interactions and likes to create targeted training in order to fulfill their needs.

Expand Brand Visibility

Through the channel partner training within an LMS, your organization can easily improve your communication and product knowledge which will enhance your income streams, track and report effectively, and make your brand known within and outside your partner connections.

How to Choose the Best LMS for Partner Training?

For selecting an LMS for your organization in case of partner training, it is important to consider all the factors that we have discussed till now and also the cost it’s going to take. You should first understand the specific needs of your organization’s training programs and make a suitable budget accordingly. 

Look for all the relevant LMS features and functionalities that will cover your business partner’s needs. It would be best to consider what integrations are possible, for instance, MapleLMS allows all types of integrations including AMSs, CRMs, Ecommerce, and other third-party integrations. Also, it would be beneficial to your staff if they were providing a 24/7 support system as the usage of a learning platform takes time in the beginning and will need some guidance.


In summary, the best way to implement partner training or channel partner training for your products and services is through the best LMS systems. Always first understand your own requirements when performing partner training and choose the suitable LMS with all the abovementioned features and even more functionalities.

The LMS for partner training should be in accordance with the latest upgrades and changes as well as it can safeguard your partners from any rule violations. Even if you are not sure how to approach your business partner’s learning and training needs, you can always talk to our LMS experts for detailed information.