10 LMS Customization Features for Your Learning Management System in 2024

LMS Customization Features

Learning Management Systems (LMS) offer so many amazing, useful capabilities that it would be easy to ignore the ones that companies ought to prioritize the most. The top 10 LMS customization online are discussed below and are a must-have.

The Top 10 Customizations for LMS

By centralizing your data and distributing online training resources globally, the custom learning management system aims to make your life easier. For this, you’ll need to find a bespoke custom LMS development that fits both your needs and your online training budget. Have you thought about every feature your future LMS needs, or have you left out any important ones? Here are ten commonly overlooked characteristics of an LMS to consider.

Encourage the Use of Multilingual LMS Features

The use of language is essential to communication. It can be used to access information. If students from all over the world are to gain the skills they need, multilingual functionality is crucial. It will just take a few minutes to compile a list of the languages you believe your pupils will speak. Next, find out if the LMS training business can offer those translation services going forward or if they already do.

LMS Reports

When selecting an LMS, this is regarded by many companies as one of the most crucial customization possibilities. This is a result of their need to monitor specific online training courses. They are able to evaluate skill and performance gaps in line with their learning objectives because of personalized LMS reports. They can also change how the report is delivered. For example, instead of receiving the information by email, they would prefer to view the charts and graphs on the LMS dashboard.

External Training Uploads 

Not all training sessions are held at the same place. If you want to incorporate learners’ training records that they completed outside of a learning management system, external training uploads are your best bet. This functionality will allow administrators to enter a training title, date, document name, and document URL. You now have a workable strategy for incorporating instruction from these additional sources into your LMS.

Exceptional User Experience

This attribute may be the most important even though it is generic. Having an effective platform for learner training is essential. If it’s easy to use and self-explanatory, staff members should be able to enter, do their training, and leave without any difficulty. Because there will be fewer requests for administrator help and back-and-forth correspondence on how to finish training on confusing training platforms, this is advantageous to both the business and the end user.

Color Scheme

Visuals that are captivating are crucial for learning. Because of this, you need to be able to change the color scheme while maintaining your brand identity in order to achieve the desired effect. Color has a direct effect on corporate learners’ moods and the whole environment of online training. Additionally, the colors must fit the topic matter and the culture. This provides additional support for the need to look into the backgrounds of corporate learners.


A straightforward method for students to access courses they have already finished and those that are due soon is required and then transcripts are available. This is a way of seeing and organizing simple training in one place. This page will seem very different depending on the system being utilized. Here are some things to look out for when viewing a transcript page from a provider:

  • Course advancement. 
  • Course achievements. 
  • Dates for course deadlines. 
  • Transcripts that can be downloaded.

Mechanics of Gaming

If you are going to include game mechanics in the design of your eLearning course, you will need an LMS that allows you to customize the rewards. For example, alter the pre-built leaderboard’s look or give the gamification badges unique artwork. Rewards also need to fit in with the overall aesthetic of the online training course and enhance your brand. To personalize your skill-based badges, the LMS should preferably feature an integrated online asset library with high-quality graphics, including images or cutouts.

Cross-Platform Usability

Use an LMS that is responsive and compatible with multiple platforms. You can design your online training program with a master layout that changes based on the device automatically. The same is true for your business learners, who may get the information they need from any location at any time, regardless of whether they prefer solid PCs or state-of-the-art cellphones. The same advantages and chances for online training must also be available to everyone.

Certification for e-Training

Corporate learners must put up a lot of work in order to obtain certificates of online training. A generic, impersonal certificate is not the appropriate way to express your gratitude for your job. Because of this, you need an LMS that allows you to alter nearly every aspect of your eLearning course’s design, such as the background, input fields, borders, and font styles. Create a certificate that business learners will be pleased to print and hang in their establishment.


This includes the learner dashboards and user interface (UI) that your learning and development team uses to produce and disseminate online training content. Under some conditions, the system may even let your team members rearrange elements and add their own unique touches, such as altering the theme or color scheme. These learning management system modification choices can seem simple, but they have a big impact on team output and how well the learning management system works.


These are only a few of the LMS customization features to consider. There’s no doubt that the list will need to be enlarged to include the necessities for your business. The key is to choose a solution that allows you to offer specialized online training while enhancing the knowledge of your eLearning team. MapleLMS offers out-of-the-box customization for organizations, book a demo now!