Top 10 Challenges Faced in LMS Management!

Top 10 Challenges of Managing an LMS

Several obstacles can make managing the corporate learning management systems (LMSs) difficult and reduce its efficacy. LMS challenges can range from financial limitations to technical problems.

The top 10 LMS management issues that organizations encounter will be covered in this blog post, along with workable solutions. Here, we provide insightful advice on how to maximize your training initiatives, efficiently run your LMS platform, and provide the employee trainings that meets their needs. 

To find out more, keep reading.

1. Delegation of Roles

There are key positions that must be filled by qualified and experienced individuals for a learning management system (LMS) to operate. General administrative tasks include assigning access levels and registering users. Then there are the responsibilities of an instructor, which include designing and planning online courses. 

There should be talks about who gets to do what, with clear guidelines for each role’s responsibilities and task requirements. 

Based on these conversations, it should be clear who is in charge of each LMS operation component. Once an organizational structure is chosen, accountability will be in place to encourage everyone to perform their duties accurately.

2. Adoption and Engagement of Users

One of the biggest challenges in LMS implementation is getting people to use it. User onboarding presents a variety of challenges, from learners who may not be very interested in engaging with an apparently complex learning methodology to leaders and managers who may not be the most tech-savvy. As such, it is imperative to take into consideration the unique requirements of every end-user.

An internal marketing campaign can be used to spread awareness of the benefits of using an LMS throughout the rest of the organization. Offering rewards for finishing classes is another successful strategy for luring students. Additionally, it facilitates the engagement of external audiences with the elearning platform. 

The practical issue of needing a system to add users to the LMS is another. Understanding the features of the LMS can make the process easier.

3. Management of Time and Resources

One may underestimate the amount of time and effort needed to maintain an LMS in operation due to the haste with which it is implemented. The process of creating courses alone can consume a large amount of workdays, particularly if the course content is tailored to meet the needs of a particular organization and its departments. When courses are published, this is not the end of it. They will eventually need to be updated, new content will need to be added, and outdated content will need to be retired. All of these tasks require management and funding.

It’s a good idea to create a schedule with attainable delivery dates. It is even more crucial that these deadlines are adhered to. Every factor that contributes to finishing a task must be taken into consideration. It is far too simple to overlook procedures like obtaining upper management approval and sufficient IT resources.

4. Management of IT Resources

For a local IT department, running an internal LMS can be very taxing. LMS platforms are big, intricate instruments that need a lot of expertise to use. It puts unique requirements on IT departments, which are frequently not familiar with these kinds of platforms. 

IT is responsible for handling server maintenance, technical support, cybersecurity, and integration with internal tools like your Human Resources Information System (HRIS). It can be difficult to simply make sure an LMS hosted on a private server is operational and reachable from a variety of devices.

In order to allocate IT resources effectively without sacrificing the LMS’s efficacy, an honest assessment of those resources is required. Examining the LMS vendor’s IT support, which may include hosting, is an additional option.

5. Content Creation and Publishing

To fully utilize the technology, organizations that would rather create their own training materials should first learn how to use the course creation tools that are available and implement eLearning techniques. Organizations may also decide to outsource this component. 

The days of offering online courses in the style of PowerPoint are long gone. Learners now expect an immersive, interactive, and frequently media-rich experience; they are far more media savvy. This involves adding pictures, videos, and audio, but it may also call for interactive features, games, and animations made of 3D material. The benefits of engaging training programs are obvious, as they can increase employee engagement by up to 18%, but they can also require a high level of expertise.

The next step necessitates familiarity with the LMS publishing tools: publishing content. Third-party content integration with corporate learning management systems (LMSs) is a concern because using reference materials is common in contemporary online learning environments.

6. Progress Measurement and Reporting

Using the data an LMS provides is the only way to determine whether it is having an effect. Every action users take when interacting with the software is tracked by built-in data tracking in modern corporate learning management systems. Administrators and instructors can access a wealth of vital information by passing exams and finishing courses. 

Producing reports that accurately represent the data requires analysis and interpretation, which presents a challenge. This can be made simpler by an LMS with lots of features that present data in charts and graphs. 

A company that has access to trustworthy reports is better able to focus on its strengths and address its weaknesses.

7. Personalization

Since no two organizations have the same training needs, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, which is why an LMS needs to offer a wide range of customization choices. With some degree of flexibility, administrators, users, and course designers can customize the LMS design to meet the needs of both the organization and the students. 

The LMS determines how much customization power users have. If users possess programming or coding skills, they can alter the interface and aesthetics of the open-source corporate learning management systems (LMSs). However, this can be a complicated process and call for specialized knowledge. 

8. Support for End Users

It is inevitable that some LMS users will run into issues or have inquiries about how specific features operate. The experience of using an LMS can become frustrating if you are unable to provide answers to such questions. If users find the LMS difficult to use, adoption is likely to be low if it hasn’t been fully adopted.

End-user support includes instruction on utilizing an LMS’s more sophisticated features. Businesses that decide to sell their training programs must also meet extra support requirements (like processing payments).

The potential of an LMS to genuinely innovate learning for learners is limited by a lack of support. Next, funds must be allocated for the creation and maintenance of guides as well as for a committed support team that can provide a quick and easy way to get help. It might be necessary to hire specialized personnel to offer phone, chat, and email support. 

Dedicated specialists must be available to handle complicated problems, and since LMSs provide access around the clock, your support staff might also need to be available nonstop.

9. Compliance with Data Privacy

Businesses operating in the European Union that handle data have been obligated to abide by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is a law that safeguards personal information, as of May 25, 2018. An LMS may be used to gather such information. Businesses using LMSs have to follow stringent guidelines to become and remain GDPR compliant.

To protect user privacy, security procedures must be established and the organization must be informed about them. The best way to distribute such information is to have a data protection officer within the IT department or hire a cybersecurity agency consultant. An efficient additional teaching resource is a GDPR compliance training course that is offered via the LMS.

10. System Integration

In the digital age, integration with other systems is essential to productivity and competitiveness. It increases data accuracy, lowers friction, and streamlines operations. It also makes it easier to collaborate and exchange data in real-time with clients, partners, and suppliers.

Integration has advantages, but it also has drawbacks. Compatibility problems arising from disparate technologies and data formats, data security threats, performance problems, exorbitant expenses, and insufficient knowledge are among the most prevalent obstacles.


In summary, strategic solutions are necessary to navigate the complexities of corporate learning management systems (LMSs) management. Taking care of matters like resource management, compliance, and user engagement ensures that training programs are successful. Organizations can optimize their LMS platforms for improved learning outcomes by embracing technological advancements and putting customized strategies into practice. Talk to our LMS experts to get more info!